Infrared (IR) Proximity (Distance) Sensor

The photodiode can be used to detect IR reflected from the object. However, IR produced by the ambient conditions also detected by the photodiode. This IR noise must be filtered to prevent false detections. Usually, the LED’s IR signal is modulated with a convenient frequency and then using that modulation to detect only IR to filter the IR noise. So, […]

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Linearized Platinum RTD Signal Conditioner

The best choice for stability and high accuracy in temperature measurements is Platinum resistance temperature detectors (RTD). However, the signal conditioning is complicated by the RTD which exhibit a non-linear temperature versus resistance characteristic. The non-linearity amount of 0 C to 100 C is up to 0.4 C. Here is the schematic diagram of linearized platinum RTD signal conditioner : […]

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Long Time Delays with 555 Timer

This is a Long Time Delays using 555 Timer. In 555 Timer, a function of charging rate of the external capacitor is the timing. This circuit needs expensive capacitors with extremely low leakage. Practically, the components limit the time between pulse to around twenty minutes. To get longer time periods, we can connect both halves in tandem with a “divide-by” […]

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Photocells (Photoconductive, Photodiode, and Photovoltaic) Amplifiers

The figures below show us about amplifiers for photoconductive (top),  photodiode (mid) and photovoltaic cells (bottom). Some voltage dependence of both speed and linearity is displayed by all photogenerators. If the cell terminal voltage is allowed to vary with cell conductance, the current through a photoconductive cell will not display strict proportionality to incident light. Functions of terminal voltages are […]

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LVDT Signal Conditioner Design Procedure (AD589-Single Supply)

LVDT (Linear Voltage Differential Transformer) need a complex excitation circuit and signal conditioning to work. Fortunately, Analog Devices provide AD598 for complete solution of LVDT signal excitation and conditioner to ease your life. AD598 can be operated in single supply mode, great for  battery-powered LVDT Application. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit: The design procedur for determining the […]

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LVDT Signal Conditioner Design Procedure (AD589-Dual Supply)

LVDT (linear voltage differential transformer) is widely used as linear position sensor. AD589 integrated circuit provides a complete signal conditioner circuit solution for LVDT.  Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit: The design procedure to determine the components values is available in the the datasheet of AD598 from Analog Devices.

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