Current Sensing for High Voltage Application

High voltage current sensing/monitoring can be designed using LTC6101 op-amp. The following current sensing circuit is capable of measuring electrical current in 500 volts system. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit: Two external Mosfets is added to hold off the voltage, allows the LTC6101 to be connected to a very high potentials and measure the current flow. The […]

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Self-Powered Current Sensing Circuit

This current sensing circuit sense the current at the high side (between positive supply and load). This circuit take the benefit of the microampere supply current and Rail-to-Rail input of the LT1494 op-amp. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit: Look at the op-amp, the inverting input is connected directly to the output, and this negative feedback will keep […]

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Battery Current Monitor Circuit, A Single Supply Operation

By detecting a voltage drop in resistor connected in series with the battery, we can measure the current flowing in or out  of the battery. A simple differential amplifier do that, but we need both positive supply and negative supply to sense the current in both direction,  the current when charging and discharging the battery. We can use a single […]

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Current Sense Circuit, A Classic Design Using Positive Rail Sensing

A LT1637 is advertised as 1.1MHz, 0.4V/us Over-The-Top Micropower, Rail-To-Rail Input and Output Op Amp. This features are suitable for current sensing application since input voltages are right at the upper rail. The circuit show current sensing of 5V supply system, but  monitoring up to 44V application can be done by this circuit  (the maximum supply voltage of the op-amp). […]

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