AC Powered-LED Flasher

Based on a request by FreeCircuitDiagram reader Helynn Schufletowski, here we present an AC powered-LED flasher circuit for all of you! DEADLY ELECTRICAL SHOCK WARNING: This circuit is not isolated from mains supply, don’t touch it when it’s plugged to the power line.
The circuit is based on our previous transistor LED flasher circuit, but we added a transformer-less ac adapter around 1N4007 diodes, including zener diode, also 0.39 uF and 220uF capacitors. All polarized capacitors should be rated for 25 volts. This circuit works at 110 VAC supply with 0.39 uF/200V. To make it works at 220VAC, you just need to replace the 0.39uF capacitor with 0.22uF/400V.