Proportional FLow Rate Controller

Process industries deal with various control systems, and fluid mass transfer control is one of them. We can use a TC9400 F/V converter to regulate the amount of liquid or gas flowing through a pipeline. A pulse train whose frequency is proportional to the rate of flow through it is generated by the flow rate detector. This frequency is converted […]

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RPM/Speed Indication

One example of frequency-to-voltage converter application is RPM/Speed indication, converting pulse signal from speed sensor into a linear voltage to drive analog meter. Here is the  block diagram of such speed indication system: Since they measure the number of events per time period, flow rates and revolutions per second are nothing more than frequency signals. This flow and revolution will […]

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TC9400 Analog Division (Ratiometric Measurement)

A circuit which will divide one analog signal by another is one of the most difficult circuits to build.  TC9400 voltage-to-frequency converter make it easy to build such circuit.  Here is the block diagram of the system: Two voltage-to-frequency (V/F) converters can do such division with ease. While the denominator forms the time base, the numerator is counted directly as […]

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Varactor Test (Experiment) Circuit

A varactor is also known as a varicap or a variable capacitance diode. An electrically controllable capacitance is provided by this varactor which can be used in tuned circuits. What makes it’s advantageous in many application are the small size and inexpensive. If compared to a manually controlled variable capacitor, this varactor has disadvantages such as lower Q, nonlinearity, lower […]

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Multilevel Continuity Tester

This continuity tester not only show if a connection is continue or not, but also determine the range  of  its conductivity level. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit: Finding wiring trouble is easier if we know the quality of the connection, and this continuity tester give rough estimation. Small transistors will be sufficient for this circuits since the […]

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Automatic AF-RF Probe

Using this automatic probe, you can see measure both audio signal  (AF) and radio signal (RF). If audio signal is being measured, the path of the signal is via C1. Audio signal can’t pass the C2 since the capacitance is very small and having very high impedance for audio frequency signal. If you measure high frequency (radio frequency, RF), now […]

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Photovoltaic (Solar Cell) Current To Voltage Converter

The simplest I to V converter is the humble resistor. However, presenting a nonzero impedance to the source of input current is the disadvantage of the humble resistor. If the device providing the input current has very little compliance or does not produce a constant current as the output voltages changes, this can be fatal. A photovoltaic cell is a […]

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