Reduced Hysteresis Diac-Triac Phase/Power Control

This is a Reduced Hysteresis Diac-Triac Phase/Power Control circuit. This circuit is used to control from 5% to 95% of full load power. This circuit can decrease the hysteresis effect to a reasonable region. It can be done because this circuit uses second RC phase-shift network. Beside that, the second RC phase-shift network also extends the range on control. This […]

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Diac-Triac Phase/Power Control without Hysteresis

Hysteresis in lamp dimmer or in other electric appliance might cause some trouble if you need a fine tuning, something like out of control. This is a circuit of Diac-Triac Phase/Power Control without Hysteresis. This circuit can eliminate the hysteresis effect. Here is the circuit: The initial condition of the timing capacitor is uniform because the (a) circuit reset timing […]

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How Discrete Voltage Regulator with Current Limiter Works

This discrete voltage regulator has complete features that is equivalent with modern voltage regulator integrated circuit (IC). It’s not cheaper if you build discrete one like this, but it’s always interesting to study the schematic diagram to learn how it works. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit. Volatge Regulation Look at the 6,8k resistor, it should be dotted […]

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Multi Output Power Supply

This transformer-rectifier-filter arrangement gives you multiple output voltages with a single transformer. This AC-DC converter can be your solution is you need two level of symmetric power supply. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit: U1 and -U1 uses a basic symmetric supply configuration, with a center-tapped transformer and full bridge rectifier for. U2 and -U2 uses a voltage […]

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Voltage Multiplier with Diodes and Capacitors

This is a voltage multiplier circuit. This circuit uses a doubler principle to multiply the voltage.  This circuit has some advantages like low current supply, attractive high voltage that is needed for photomultipliers and cathode-ray tubes. Besides that, this circuit is inexpensive. This principle is also used in the Cockroft-Walton accelerator for charged particles the Cockroft-Walton accelerator for charged particles […]

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